Director’s Desk

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Dr. C. B. Singh

Director KGS

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Director’s Desk

From the Depth of the Heart of Our Mentor Cum Director in all Spontaneity

Extending a warm welcome to you all to this Global Village of Knowledge-KnowledgeGram.

The Vedas which are the source of all true knowledge rightly say, “Education is something which makes a man self-reliant and selfless.” Again the words of Lord through the Bhagavad Gita on Education are, “Nothing is more purifying on earth than wisdom.” This is an undeniable fact that true education will have purgative properties for body, mind, and soul with an aim to make the learners self-reliant and self-less.

A million dollar question is being asked around the world, “What are the schools, colleges and universities doing?” If we are educating the young minds, why there is decadence of core values in the present generation? How can an ailing generation build a healthy family and society? My earnest urge for you all to go through the National Education Policy-2020. The Policy too has tried to revamp the vibrant education system which India once boasted of with the use of technology to enhance knowledge.

The future of a country is shaped in the classrooms and it is the educators who can perform a miracle in building a thriving society and invincible nation. Today’s classroom will make a country of tomorrow. So there is a crying need of the time to build a thriving society. The latent creative genii of the future of the nation need a full bloom; the bubbling energy of the young souls require a positive channel; the teeming spirit necessitates an upward soar.

KGIS is our dream hub of education. We, at KnowledgeGram, nourish an ardent aim of moulding young minds into discerning individuals who will play an imposing role as global citizens. High quality teaching by qualified band of best teachers will see no compromise. We are committed to providing the students with every kind of facilities that will supplement the need of the hour and meet the international benchmark. We well understand the fact that every child is endowed with diversified talent and abilities. The omphalos of our mission will be to tap the latent genius and provide a myriad of opportunities to grow and branch out.

The worthy support and invaluable cooperation of the esteemed parents and all the stake-holders as strategic partners will help the school to become a Centre of Excellence that will script glorious tales by ushering an era of change that the present system of education needs.

Dr. C. B. Singh


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